The weight loss product Lavaslim is based on a “volcanic secret” that can help you lose weight.

Each Lavaslim pill has a mix of natural ingredients that help burn fat and lose weight. Aravida Nutrition makes the product.

Read our review today to find out if Lavaslim lives up to the hype.

What does Lavaslim mean?

Lavaslim is a dietary product that helps you lose weight in a healthy way that lasts.

You can use a mix of six chemicals from volcanoes found in Lavaslim, which you take twice a day, to get rid of belly fat.

Sometimes people take Lavaslim to lose weight and sometimes they take it to keep their weight at a healthy level. Aravida Nutrition, the company that makes Lavaslim, offers the supplement mainly for its ability to help people lose weight.

Aravida Nutrition even says that “more than 87,534 men and women” have “quickly dissolve” their fat by taking Lavaslim.

Lavaslim can only be bought online at, where each bottle costs about €69. Lavaslim is mostly sold to people in France by the company that makes it.

Lavaslim Pros and Cons

  • Aravida Nutrition says that Lavaslim can have benefits such as
  • Quickly break down fat
  • Get rid of the cause of weight gain: a low body temperature
  • Mix of six natural ingredients from volcanoes
  • Help with memory, happiness, energy, digestion, and more
  • With the support of 87,534 men and women
  • With a 180-day money-back promise
  • Now is the time to buy Lavaslim and start getting its benefits!

How does Lavaslim do its job?

Something called the “Maui” switch is what makes Lavaslim work.

Haleakala is an active volcano that stands tall over the Hawaiian island of Maui. Much of the stuff that goes into Lavaslim comes from the grounds of Maui and other volcanic islands.

It is said that if you take two pills of Lavaslim every day, you can “turn on your Maui switch” and target the root cause of weight gain, which is low body temperatures.

Research has shown that people who are overweight usually have cooler bodies than people who are a healthy weight. If you work out, you might raise your body temperature. But the people who made Lavaslim have made a way to skip this step. It is said that taking two pills of Lavaslim every day can raise your body temperature, which will make it easier to burn fat.

Lavaslim “increases your internal body temperature,” which the company that makes it says gets rid of the cause of weight gain.

The company that makes Lavaslim says that all six of its ingredients can “normalise” the body’s temperature. Getting your body temperature back to normal would mean raising it if it is now low.

Lavaslim: Give it a try right now; you won’t be sorry!

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What’s in Lavaslim

Lavaslim is made up of six carefully chosen ingredients that work together to help you lose weight. A lot of the items grow naturally in places with volcanic soil, like Maui, which has volcanic soil. Natural, non-GMO products are used in every recipe.

Here are Lavaslim’s six main chemicals and how they work:

Fucoxanthin: Fucoxanthin helps the liver stay healthy, lowers bad cholesterol, and controls body temperature. Fucoxanthin is a natural antioxidant that can be found in kelp that can be eaten. More and more supplements are using it to help people lose weight and fight the signs of ageing. Aravida Nutrition says that the fucoxanthin in the mix helps control the body’s temperature, lowers bad cholesterol, and supports liver health, among other things.

Irvingia Gabonensis Fruit Extract: This is also known as African mango extract, and it works to lower body temperature, just like all the other ingredients in Lavaslim. Aravida Nutrition says it also has different benefits that work together, such as reducing inflammation, protecting cells from damage, and making blood sugar better.

Moringa Oleifera Leaf: An product from the moringa oleifera leaf plant is known to low blood sugar. In Lavaslim, on the other hand, the plant is used to lose weight. Aravida Nutrition says that the moringa oleifera in Lavaslim “targets internal temperature” and also helps with digestion and slows down the ageing process.

Bitter Orange: Citrus aurantium, which is what bitter orange is officially called, lowers body temperature, relieves stress, and boosts happiness. There are many natural antioxidants in it, such as vitamin C, which is linked to health benefits all over the body.

Ginger: Ginger has been used for a long time in traditional medicine to help people lose weight and get more energy. Plus, you can find it in many weight loss pills. Aravida Nutrition points to a 2019 study that showed taking ginger supplements caused a big drop in blood pressure in several trials with hundreds of people. The company that makes the supplement also pointed to a different study that showed taking ginger supplements helped a group of type 2 diabetics’ blood sugar and fat (cholesterol) levels. Some studies have even linked ginger directly to thermic effects. For example, a study from 2013 found that ginger could help change the thermic effects of eating. Aravida Nutrition says that the ginger in Lavaslim helps control blood sugar and blood pressure and raises body warmth.

Turmeric: According to Aravida Nutrition, turmeric stops fat from building up and makes brain work better. This stuff works so well that the turmeric in Lavaslim “prevents Alzheimer’s,” as the official website says. The root of the turmeric plant is full of natural vitamins like curcumin. Curcumin has been linked to strong weight loss effects, anti-aging effects, and other benefits in studies. This is why a lot of people take turmeric every day.

The company that makes it says that all of the products are plant-based, dairy-free, vegetarian, and not genetically modified. The company also inspects and controls the quality of all the products to make sure they are pure and effective. On top of that, the vitamin is made in the USA.

Don’t miss this chance to get Lavaslim for a short time!

Lavaslim goes after the real reason people gain weight: a low body temperature.
Do you find it hard to lose weight, even though you eat well and work out? That could be because your body temperature is too low.

Less fat is burned when your body temperature is low, which makes it harder to lose weight.

Unfortunately, people who are overweight often have cooler bodies than people who are not overweight. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so your body temperature stays low.

You could work out to get rid of this fat. Lavaslim, on the other hand, works in a different way. Each dose of Lavaslim has six natural ingredients that raise your body temperature. This heats you up from the inside out, burning fat.

Caffeine and capsaicin, two common ingredients in weight loss supplements, work by raising the body’s temperature. The six natural ingredients in Lavaslim are said to all “target internal temperature,” even though the product doesn’t contain those two ingredients.

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What to Look Forward To After Taking Lavaslim

Aravida Nutrition says that Lavaslim can help people lose weight in a number of ways, such as by lowering body temperature, raising blood sugar, and reducing inflammation.

Aravida Nutrition says these are some of the affects you might have after taking Lavaslim:

Target Internal Temperature: All six of Lavaslim’s natural ingredients are said to be able to help with low body temps. What Aravida Nutrition says is that these cold weather are what make people gain weight. Normal body temps are more common in people who are not overweight. Lower temperatures are more common in people who are overweight. To stay warm, your body needs to burn calories. This is why low body temperatures are bad. It might be 500 to 1,000 calories per day less for you than for a thin person, which makes it harder and harder to lose weight. All of the chemicals in Lavaslim were picked because they can bring the body’s temperature back to normal.

Speed up your metabolism to burn more calories. Your body burns more calories even when it’s not doing anything. People with a fast metabolism burn a lot more calories in 24 hours than people with a slow metabolism. This makes it much easier for them to lose weight. There are people whose metabolisms are so fast that they burn more calories at night than people who work out. Lavaslim raises the body’s warmth, which speeds up the metabolism. For heat maintenance, your body needs to burn more calories when it’s warmer. If you want to lose weight, you need to burn more calories. Researchers at Aravida Nutrition have found that even a small rise in body temperature can speed up the metabolism by 16%.

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Lose weight: People who are overweight usually have higher cholesterol values than people who are not overweight. The company that makes Lavaslim says that fucoxanthin, one of its chemicals, “reduces bad cholesterol.” Bad cholesterol, also called LDL cholesterol, raises the risk of heart attack and stroke. A lot of doctors say that cutting LDL cholesterol is best for heart health.

Natural antioxidants help keep inflammation healthy. Many of the ingredients in Lavaslim help you lose weight in an easy way: they’re full of natural antioxidants. Free radicals cause inflammation, but antioxidants get rid of them. It’s hard to lose weight when your body is swollen, and fat that won’t go away tends to stick around. The African mango extract (Irvingia gabonensis) in Lavaslim is said to have “anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties,” which means it helps keep inflammation in a healthy range.

Better Mood: Citrus aurantium and other active ingredients in Lavaslim may help you feel better. The makers of Lavaslim say that citrus aurantium can help with worry and “improves mood.” It’s not enough to just feel better when you lose weight. It’s about changing the way you think about your feelings. It is said that taking Lavaslim every day can help your happiness.

Support Stress Response: When you’re under a lot of stress, it’s hard to lose weight. You have a lot of cortisol when you’re stressed. The main stress hormone is cortisol, which tells your body to go into “survival mode.” Your body doesn’t burn fat for energy; it saves it. Some people are always worried, which makes it almost impossible for them to lose weight, even if they eat well and work out. Officially, the orange aurantium in Lavaslim is said to have “anti-stress” properties. Citrus aurantium, like other adaptogens, may help your body deal with mental and physical stresses.

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Better gut Health: It’s hard to lose weight when your gut health isn’t good. To burn as much fat as possible, you need to have good nutrition. If not, your body won’t be able to get rid of toxins. The company that makes Lavaslim says that it has ingredients like moringa oleifera that “improve digestive health.”

Support Healthy Blood Sugar: Even if you’re not diabetic, having an imbalance in your blood sugar can mess up your food. Your cravings are likely to be bigger when your blood sugar changes throughout the day. For example, you might want meals that are high in sugar or carbs instead of healthy ones. These parts of Lavaslim can help you stick to a healthy diet by keeping your blood sugar in a healthy range.

Help with Thinking and Concentration: Lavaslim is said to help with thinking and concentration in addition to keeping emotions in check. For instance, turmeric “improves brain functions,” so says the company that makes it. On the official website, it says that the root “prevents Alzheimer’s.” Turmeric is a famous supplement for brain health and wellness and for reducing inflammation all over the body because it improves brain function.

Proof from science for Lavaslim

On the references page for Lavaslim, the people who made it list 18 research studies. These studies back up what’s in Lavaslim and how it helps people lose weight. We’ll look at that proof below to see if Lavaslim really does help people lose weight.

It has been shown that fucoxanthin in Lavaslim can help people lose weight. The company that makes Lavaslim says that the use of fucoxanthin is based on a study from 2005 that showed fucoxanthin, which comes from a type of edible seaweed, increased the production of UCP1 in white adipose tissue (WAT), which helps burn fat. To put it simply, fucoxanthin has natural ingredients that help speed up the fat-burning processes in your body. A second study used by the company shows that fucoxanthin can help with cholesterol and metabolism. If fucoxanthin speeds up your metabolism, you might burn more calories all day, which could help you lose weight.

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Irvingia gabonensis, on the other hand, has been studied for its ability to help people lose weight and fight obesity. Aravida Nutrition points to a 2013 meta-analysis that found Irvingia gabonensis to help people lose weight in a way that was statistically significant. Researchers looked at the results of three randomised controlled trials that compared Irvingia gabonensis to a fake substance and found strong proof that it could help people lose weight. On the other hand, another study found that Irvingia gabonensis was full of natural vitamins and adipocytokines that could help kill fat.

Moringa oleifera, the third active ingredient in Lavaslim, may be able to change brown adipose tissue (BAT), a type of fat that makes more energy than white adipose tissue. Aravida Nutrition talks about a study in which mice were given either moringa oleifera or a sugar pill for seven weeks. After that time, the mice’s brown fat tissue increased significantly because a protein called BMP7 was turned up. Moringa oleifera has been linked to less inflammation in the gut in other studies. People who are overweight often have more inflammation in their guts than people who are not overweight. Moringa oleifera has been shown to help with this type of inflammation.

Overall, Lavaslim is made up of six natural ingredients that have been shown to speed up the metabolism, support healthy inflammation, and help with weight control in a number of ways.

  • You’ll be glad you ordered Lavaslim today.
  • Lavaslim Costs
  • Lavaslim costs $69 a bottle.
  • You can save money, though, if you buy more than one bottle.
  • If you order Lavaslim online today, this is how the prices work:
  • €69 for one bottle plus shipping
  • Three bottles for €147, or €49 each,
  • plus free shipping and two extra perks.
  • Six bottles cost €234 (€39 each),
  • shipping is free, and you get two extras for free.

Each bottle of Lavaslim has 60 pills, which is enough for 30 days. To burn fat and lose weight, you take two pills every day.


Lavaslim comes with extras.

The company that makes Lavaslim is running a deal in 2024 where all 3 and 6 bottle purchases come with two free bonus eBooks. After your payment is confirmed, you can access two free bonus eBooks right away.

These are the two extra eBooks:

Free Bonus eBook #1: Burn Fat While You Sleep: Secrets of Nocturnal Weight Loss. This French-language eBook shows you different ways to burn fat while you sleep. You can burn fat while you sleep, yes. Really, your body burns a lot of calories every night just to keep you alive. This book has tried-and-true methods you can use right away to burn fat all night long. It even has the 7 best ways to sleep to help your body burn fat faster.

You can get the second free ebook, “The Real Me: A Complete Guide to Improving Mental & Emotional Wellbeing.” This book tells you how to improve your mental and emotional health right now. You can learn about those techniques and how to start using them right away in this guide. You’ll learn a simple routine that will help you relax, a routine that will boost your confidence, and tried-and-true methods for focusing better, among other things.

Get extras that you can’t get anywhere else if you order now!

Lavaslim’s Policy on Refunds

Lavaslim comes with a 180-day money-back promise. You can try Lavaslim for 180 days and see how it helps you lose weight. You can get your money back in full if you’re not happy with Lavaslim for any reason.

About the food company Aravida

Aravida Nutrition is the company that makes Lavaslim in the United States. Customers from all over the world buy vitamins from that company.

The company Arvida Nutrition says it made Lavaslim with the help of two professionals, Dr. Cazan and Professor Audoin. They used their knowledge to find the best ingredients for Lavaslim that get to the root cause of weight gain.

The following ways can be used to get in touch with Aravida Nutrition and the Lavaslim customer service team:


Last Word

Lavaslim is a weight loss pill that was made by Aravida Nutrition.

Lavaslim is mostly sold to people in France. It uses a mix of six ingredients to target low body temperature. Not being warm enough makes it hard to lose weight. Lavaslim’s natural ingredients help keep body temperature regular, which speeds up metabolism and burns more calories.

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